Silo level monitoring and powder mixing



SASIL SpA is a company of the MINERALI INDUSTRIALI GROUP. SASIL produces feldspathic and silica sands for glass, ceramic industry and sanitary ware. SASIL runs a complete cycle of mining, processing and product packaging.

Customer need

For this application, SASIL was looking for a solution for the products mixing of and continuous process feeding:

  • Control and management of products to mix
  • Mixing of 2 products with adjustable percentages
  • Continuous feeding of the mixed product and calculation of the quantities produced

SCAIME Solution

  • For the management of the products to be mixed, 2 eNod4-T weighing systems connected to the EtherNet/IP network.
  • For the mixer, an eNod4-F Continuous Loss-in-weight system takes in charge the flow rate control and the continuous totalization of the mixed product.

SCAIME Product

  • 8 load cells R10X 1t and 8 mounting kits SILOSAFE EVO for the weighing of 2 storage silos.
  • 4 load cells SK30X 1000kg and 4 mounting kits STABIFLEX for mixer weighing
  • 2 weighing controllers eNod4-T for level monitoring of storage silos
  • 1 weighing controller eNod4-F for continuous loss-in-weight dosing from the mixer.

Customer benefits

  • Optimized architecture where the PLC takes in charge the system supervision while weighing operations are supported by eNod4 controllers
  • eNod4-T dedicated to level monitoring and eNod4-F dedicated to continuous flow rate control and product totalization.