“PW200XRD230-1”: PW200XRD Power Supply For ATEX 1 & 21
ATEX power supplier with 115 Vac input. 10,5 Vdc intrinsically safe output, complete of Exd case, with protection modes: ATEX II 2(2)G Ex d [ib Gb] IIC T4 Gb and ATEX II 2(2)D Ex tb [ib Db] IIIC T140°C Db.
Equipped with connecting cable between PW200XRDxxx and DFWATEX2GDxxx with a length of 3 m. Provided with safety instructions and the ATEX EU declaration of conformity.
Extremely versatile, and able to transform dangerous voltages coming from safe areas (24Vdc and 24/115/230Vac) into an intrinsic safety voltage, for powering devices in hazardous areas.
Through the PW200IO option (4 intrinsically safe inputs and 4 intrinsically safe or 4 unprotected data outputs), the PW200XRD module allows the receipt of signals from outside and to manage intrinsically safe devices or devices with greater absorption, such as relays, placed in the Exd box (for use with DFWATEXIO).
Designed and made according to the ATEX directive, following the EN60079-0/60079-11/60079-31 norms.
- Exd case in aluminum alloy, with II 2(2)G Ex d [ib Gb] IIC T4 Gb and II 2(2)D Ex tb [ib Db] IIIC T140°C Db protection mode.
- Power supply voltages:- 230 Vac (mod. PW200XRD – 230)
- Features of the intrinsically safe power supply output:
– Vmax: 10,5 Vdc
– Imax: 140 mA
– Uo: 12,6 Vdc
– Io: 340 mA
– Lo: 700 µH
– Co: 6,8 µF - Equipped with a connection cable between PW200XRDxxx and DFWATEX2GDxxx, 3m long.
- 4 data inputs (Exi inputs), with the following features (for interfacing with DFWATEXIO indicator):
– Ui: 40 Vdc
– Ii: 30 mA
– Li: 0 µH
– Ci: 0 µF - 4 intrinsically safe or unprotected data outputs (Exi inputs), with the following features (commanded by the DFWATEXIO indicator):
- Ui: 40 Vdc
- Ii: 30 mA
- Li: 0 µH
- Ci: 0 µF
Note: If these inputs and outputs are powered through an intrinsic safety voltage inside the PW200XRD, the overall max. absorbable current from the 4 outputs and 4 inputs is 40mA; so, if just 1 output is used, it can supply up to 20mA
- Umax: 48 Vac o 60Vdc
- Imax: 150 mA